Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Freshen the Carpet for Spring - Naturally!

In the Mar/Apr '19 Essential Herbal issue
Excerpt from Green Cleaning with Essential Oils
Amber M. LaBorde (

We love this idea for freshening up winter-weary carpeting. 

Natural Carpet Cleaner

½-cup baking soda
8 drops of essential oil
Add the essential oil to the baking soda and mix thoroughly.
Sprinkle on carpet.
Wait 10 minutes, and then vacuum thoroughly.

Make fresh for each use.
Do not apply to wet patches on the carpet!  

Of course I had to make some, right? 
I had some  ancient (25 year old) jasmine absolute laying around.  This is a good application for old oils that you might not want to use on skin or diffused.
No plastic containers are single use in this house.  Parmesan topping jars are treasured!  They're perfect for stuff like this.

I need to add some kind of botanical to the mix so that I can see that no parts of the carpet have been missed.  This is something I try to do pretty often with just crumbled (old) herbs when vacuuming.  It keeps everything smelling fresh, too. .

Happy Spring. 
There are more natural cleaning ideas in the magazine, and even more will be in May/June!

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